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"I have forgotten how long ago I came to Dating4Disabled but when I applied someone called me and spoke to me about my many unusual accomplishments as a disabled person.
I was going through a messy divorce at the time from a woman who had used me to come to America. I technically I have been disabled all my life due to cerebral palsy but because I had done "everything" the lady from D4D wanted to hear from me.
I met my fiancee Xia on the first time I went to D4D and she felt that she would not be acceptable to a man because she had a terrible scar on her tummy caused by a C section performed in China. I told her that as far as that scar was concerned it was her badge of courage and I was proud of her and if she wanted to wear a bikini to the beach that would be fine with me. She declined in the bikini offer. Xia has a limp due to polio when she was one year old. I had never dated any disabled women until Xia . It was that I never wanted to I just never found one like her and due to my not being successful with so called "normal" women I gave D4D a shot. When I just saw her picture I had to contact her. The fact that she was way over in Shanghai did not bother me one bit. To me it just a matter of a plane ticket. We immediately began to chat and see each other on the internet and it was almost like we were together. Soon I was making plans to go to China and visit her in Nanjing the old capital of China.
Xia was also in a very unsuccessful marriage to a bum. Who did not want to ride the bus to work she she walked a mile each way to work everyday so she could work as an engineer and design medical equipment such as X-ray machines and operating tables. When I got to Nanjing in November 2011 we had a wonderful time. Because I have a seriously injured back I have to use a wheelchair for long distance running. Xia not only liked pushing me around in that chair at the malls she was proud to do so. We got our days mixed up and we prepared to go to the airport on this one day and she went down to the hotel front desk to check out and she was told we were a day early. She bought a newspaper and came to me with a very big smile and told me of our mistake and at that point I asked her to sit down and talk to me. I asked her to marry me and she asked me to ask her three times. Then she said "yes, yes, yes" I didn't have a ring for her but she didn't care. At a later date I got her an inexpensive one because she did not want to walk around with a lot of money on her hand and felt that the money spent on an expensive ring would be better spent on something for our home, etc. I immediately started working on the immigration process and in fact it took us a year to collect the necessary documents for the petition. We both worked like hell to get everything together. Then we did the agonizing waiting for action by the U. S. government. The first lawyer I got was terrible and actually did nothing. The second lawyer that Xia contacted did a much better job and at a lower cost. When Xia finally was interviewed the interviewing officer saw a picture of me sitting in a walker and insisted that we show more proof of income. I immediately sent an email to the Consul General and informed her that I was going to sue her under the California version of the Americans With Disability Act in Small Claims Court for $10,000.00 and I got an immediate response. My second lawyer sent a letter with the required information to the consulate in China on December 13, 2013 and Xia was approved for immigration on January 13, 2014 and she arrived here on February 5, 2014.
Unfortunately, I became very ill soon after her arrival but I am recovering nicely. We recently bought the marriage license and plan to marry on May 2, 2014. By law we are required to marry by May 5th. One of the requirement of the petition is that we have an engagement party. We did that a year ago at a Pizza Hut in China. Her father had one taste of pizza and went nuts. He loves it. Her mother likes traditional Chinese food. By the way her whole family loves me very much. When I was in China the second time her whole family embraced me completely.
Meeting her was one piece of romantic good luck after another. EVERYONE who meets her loves her and I even had two old friends who cried when they met her because she is so great." (Drhines)
Kendra and I met on Dating4Disabled.com. We have celebrated our first wedding anniversary on August 8th 2009 It has been a very exciting journey. Karl & Kendra Schraml
ATTENTION LADIES: I have been taken "off the market" by another Dating4Disabled member, Jeanne. In June of 2008 I asked Jeanne to marry me and she said yes. We married on 28 March 2009, a year and a day after we met in real life. We renewed our vows May 28 in Las Vegas. We have found happiness in each other we don't know how much time we have left and don't want to waste what little time we do have left in this life with a lot of preliminaries. She is my special "Jem".
Michael and I, who both suffer with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), started emailing each other in Nov of 2007. I had just signed up with Dating4Disabled.com about a month prior and Michael had been on it for a while longer. Anyway, the more we talked the more we began a great friendship and then in Feb of 2008 we decided to meet. He lived in Chicago Heights (IL) at the time and I'm in Elmwood Park. It was a quick courtship, as we were married in Sept of that same year.
"I met the man of my dreams from England (I'm from the states). We're engaged and getting married this June (2008) in Las Vegas !!! ! Thanks Dating4Disabled.com "
as82661 (engaged to Dirty Dean0 )
"Wow, I joined this site a week ago and already met a wonderful man from California; We're planning on meeting in person come spring. Talked to each other last evening on the phone and it's as if we have known each other forever. Thank you so much D4D for bringing this wonderful, caring man into my life. I cannot believe that I've found the man of my dreams. Blessings ! " (cardlady)
"I would just like you all to know that this site really does work. I met a really great guy that has now become not only my best friend but my boyfriend. I never thought I would ever find someone that could make me feel so special but thanks to this site I have. I can not imagine what my life would be like if he was not in it now and I thank you as well as the good Lord above for bringing our lives together." (luvincntrygl)
"Great site... Better than Match.com or any other. I am one of your new members, I was refered to your site by my best friend. I am so glad he told me to come here because you all are so nice & I've met a lot of nice people here. Keep up the good work!" (texasgirl07)
"I just want to say thank you for this site, I was apprehensive at first, but low and behold, a miracle happened…I had given up and intended to stay single ... I discovered your site, and after some time, something drew me towards a special woman… we have since met in person. I felt the urge to drive 1000 miles literally to meet this kind and caring and beautiful and giving woman… Neither one of us were looking for a permanent relationship but your site has enabled us to discover one another and we both have a new beginning, We plan to spend the rest of our lives together. I found a best friend, a soul mate. Thank you for your site" (seafarer)
"I met someone on Dating4Disabled last February. We both lived in South Florida, so we got together. We are soul mates, and we got married on November 11th, 2006! Her name is Gail; she is a paraplegic. We both joined Dating4Disabled within a couple of months of each other. We had both practically given up on disabled dating sites. Your site is great. We hope other people find as much success and happiness as we have. " (Rick)
"Dear Dating4Disabled, I would like to say what a fantastic site Dating 4 Disabled is. I met a man named Jon on the site, we chatted online for a few weeks then exchanged telephone numbers. We went on our first date on December 8th, Jon drove up from Yorkshire to Cumbria, we had a great time and decided to see each other again, well its gone from strength to strength, we see each other every weekend and spend more time together when we are able too, we are extremely happy and have decided to get engaged on 28th July 2007 in Yorkshire, we are going to celebrate our engagement with a party! We are going to get married next year. We both would like to say a massive THANK YOU!!" (Amanda N.)
"The reason I haven't been on your site in so long is because I met someone there. We have been living together for about 4 months and are planning to get married. The chances that we lived so close together and have soooo much in common were slim. I can't thank you enough." Anonymous.
"I had not been online for months when I accidentally found your site. I met some very kind people...but now I have an extremely special man in my life....To make a long story short, he has become a very special friend...we continue to talk daily on the telephone and support each other's happy times and times with problems. Thank you and the staff of D4D." (RoseMary)
"I would just like to say thank you because without you I would not have found the woman that I have been needing in my life forever. We are several states away from each other but our feelings are mutual. Disabilities don't have to be handicaps. I'm 57 years old but I've never felt like this before. Thanks again, "Happy in Texas", "(country)
"Before I found your D4D site, I felt very lonely as it is sometimes difficult to find people to except and understand what its like to be disabled. Nothing lifts my spirits more than getting up in the morning, getting on Dating4Disabled and see that I have received a message from a friend or new member, it just lifts my spirits. It just makes me feel so much better. It’s not just for dating. I have many female friends here, people with the same disorder, and it turns into a support group. I’m finding out I’m not alone with this and it’s a wonderful thing "(sudie)
"Hi, Nice to see the site isn't complicated to navigate. Great to speak to people anywhere in the world from the safety of your own home. I found the site by accident, I'm glad I did. Great site" (blue4u)
"Since august i have met the most wonderful man that anyone can ask for. He has md and is in a chair... he is the most loving person i have ever known. I have to thank the admin on d4d as a whole... so thank you again for this site and hope many more willfind not only love but life partners (Lizzy)
"Hello there, I would like to ask you to unsubscribe me from the site for I found someone on here already! Have a great day and Thanks!" (ladyj29)
I think that this site is absolutely wonderful. It gives disabled people a safe and easy way to communicate with others, for friendship and moral support. I'm sure that it is even responsible for a few successful relationships. (Fred59)
"Thank You for creating this site especially for those with disabilities as well. this is the only place where I know I'll be welcome for my disability and that no one will not judge me for what i have but likes me for me. keep up the good work. :) ;) "(kealoha)
"This is the best dating site ever seen... Wonderful!" (decentboy85)
"I think your site is very good and I made some good friends on it...I think it's the best disabled dating site out there." (essence)
There is very few websites out there for people with disabilities who can connect and have feelings of belonging." (sweetguy)
"It is fantastic that this site is no charge as many people with disabilities are on fixed incomes as I am sure you are aware. I have belonged to two other pay sites specifically designed for persons with disabilities and yet I get the most results here and find this site by far the most user friendly... the service is better . thanks again and keep up the great work ... may I take this time to thank all of you at D4D for your hard work in providing such an essential service to persons with disabilities" (Rottifan )
"Well I’m please to let you know that in my opinion it is the best in respect to the differently abled community dating service... I love this website; I do come by every night after a long day at work in search of that special lady. " (rog_dodge8)
"Just wanted to drop a note to say thank you! I've met a couple of really cool people from this site. Some of the other disabled dating sites have a paid membership- this one is the best by far! Keep up the good work" Anonymous
"Newbie here who just dropped in to say THANK YOU...I am making friends who UNDERSTAND what it is like to be in my shoes! What a gift! It is wonderful to see that I am not alone…" (Anonymous)
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