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New Members Guide
Welcome to Dating for Disabled (Dating4Disabled.com!)
This is the general rundown of how to become active in our community. Now that you have finished your registration, it's time to start using the site. This is how it's done:
Searching for other people with disabilities on dating4disabled
First of all you probably will want to find people to talk to. You can search for members based on all kinds of details, using these two methods:
- You can search for site members by either using the Quick Search box, using just one (or more) of the four characteristics that appear there
- You can use the Advanced Search option, for a more accurate search.
To do so, click on the Advanced Search link at the bottom of the Quick Search box. By entering this page, you will have the option to search by many characteristics, such as: Gender, Age, Country, and so on... Note that once you've chosen a country (as in USA), you will be able to search by state.
Chatting with members
Once you find someone you are interested in contacting, paid members can communicate directly with them through chat if they are currently logged on. You do this by clicking the Chat button which appears at the top of that person's profile, or next to his/hers photo in the search results.
Notice that some member may appear to be online when they are actually not .This happens when someone have left the computer open to the site while having gone away from the computer; and after having been online at the site, the system shows that member as still being on for some time even though they have logged out of the site, hence they're not available for chat.
Sending messages to other Dating for Disabled Members
If you find a member's profile who is not currently logged on, you can send them a message by clicking the Send Message button at the top of their profile.
Reminder - Site members' profile descriptions may not contain contact information such as e-mail addresses/ telephone numbers etc., nor may the blogs or forums be used to post contact information. Site members who violate site regulations may find themselves blocked and/or their membership revoked.
Dating for Disabled's Blogs
Every member can open their own online diary called a blog. This is your place to share anything you'd like with other members. On your Home page, scroll down to the My Blog box. Then enter your blog's name and a short description of it, and click the Create button. Now you will be able to add new posts to your blog, directly from your blog box.
Also, reading and responding to others' blogs is a great way to get to know each other better.
Dating for Disabled's Forums
The forums are a fun way to create group conversations with members not online. Click on the Forums tab at the top of the screen. There are various different forums running currently. Just go in and see what people are saying. Click on the subject and the entire message will appear. If you are interested in responding, hit reply. You can also post your own message by clicking Create New Topic. This way you can introduce yourself, ask question, share interested information...etc.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions can be found here:
Have a question about your paid D4D subscription? Feel free to send us e-mail with any questions you may have about your paid subscription. Only e-mail messages will be answered.
Pages of the site which open in separate windows (such as messages and profiles) will only be able to be seen if you disabled your pop-up blocker, so please do so. Also, you should never close the main page and leave only these pop-up windows active, because you will be logged off the site automatically.
Dating for disabled is an online matchmaking service for people with disabilities. The site asks that you be respectful of that. If you feel another member is abusing this, please feel free to contact dating for disabled's admin.
New members
wildlove, 39
Blsdwesatgm, 45
Gemini1, 54
Star1981, 43
Danbow1066, 56
michellebahanon, 33
richardjefferson20, 42
t.aceyyy2311, 27
Juliettepppe5, 26
Trevina, 38
Hollieg123, 67
Sandra25, 40
Winky, 62
hillbilly3131, 48
aussie mum, 44
QueenJasmine1, 28
Sandra09, 41
Clipsmith2342, 21
Jonni0121, 30
nickpawl, 27
Pcee123, 37
isaaclawsonbaker, 25
SassyMN, 56
Mistresskate7689, 40
willingandready, 49
77jenny77, 57
Megan4, 26
Nikki A, 47
Crispy17, 28
jlthomp84, 40